Our Mission – Covid-19 Response

During 2020 our emergency Covid response included over 60 grants totalling more than £550,000.
The grants have reached charities and community interest companies throughout the country from the very smallest to larger national organisations. All are facing up to the challenge of COVID-19.
This support will benefit hundreds of thousands of clients and beneficiaries providing emergency feeding, respite from isolation, emergency accommodation, catering training and education, a better understanding of food and nutrition and many other projects.
We have been able to support Antonio’s beloved hospitality sector in helping others and in helping itself and fund lots of organisations that are working in areas he was passionate about.
There’s so much more to do but we have made a start. If you can support our work please visit www.justgiving.com/antoniocarlucciofoundation
Here’s a small selection of the grants:
Magic Breakfast provides healthy, nutritious breakfasts to over 48,000 children at risk of hunger, giving them the fuel they need to learn. Currently responding to the Covid-19 crisis through developing a fortnightly take-home breakfast pack. £10,000 http://www.magicbreakfast.com
Bosence Farm, a charity that provides residential detoxification, stabilisation and rehabilitation to those with severe drug and alcohol addiction. Our grant will support projects around growing, learning about and cooking and eating good quality food. £20,000 www.bosencefarm.co.uk
Lakefield Hospitality College, a Hospitality Training College for young women from the age of 16 to 24 from a range of social backgrounds. Currently responding to the Covid-19 crisis by developing course content for online fulfilment £6,200 www.lakefield.org.uk
Compassion London, professional chefs and other volunteers cooking and delivering nutritious meals to NHS workers, the sick and vulnerable children £10,000. www.compassion.london/
Feed NHS, Helping the hospitality sector to help others. A grant of £25,000, already delivering 6000 meals a day to London hospitals and soon to be nationwide. www.justgiving.com/fundraising/feednhs